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Pamela Rozek

Whole30 Day 8: Kill All The Things Part 2?

My pants are tight. I feel lazy. Why is my husband speaking to me? What does this damn dog need  now? Do I really have to go to the gym? Maybe I should have went to bed earlier. Why did I say I would work today? These are just a few of the thoughts I had this morning. Ooooof.

My husband really wanted to go to the gym. So I went. I walked on the treadmill for about 40 minutes. I had to be to work at 1:30ish so we kept it short and headed home. Jared made some Turkey burgers while I hopped in the shower. I find it funny that when I asked him to make turkey burgers his first question was, “What are we going to eat them on?” A plate my man, we are going to eat them on a plate.

Blank stare and a couple blinks. I rephrased it and said, “We are going to have turkey patties with some avocado and maybe some sauce on top. And we will have it with some fruit.” I know his mindset is changing, but the word burger to him means bun. Maybe he is right but I would prefer not to admit that.  He cooked the dinner while I quickly showered and got ready for work.

I admit this openly, and I realize I am incredibly lucky…my husband is an amazing cook. He can make a perfectly cooked piece of meat. So tender, juicy. Cooked enough to prevent food poisoning, but never overcooked and dry. That simply is not a skill that I have. I can make many things well, but I can’t cook a piece of meat like he does. The “burgers” were delicious.

I ate and left for work. A quick three hour stint and I was back home to find Jared ready to make dinner whenever. Chicken and green beans. Does that sound boring….well it wasn’t. Like I said, my husband makes a mean piece of meat, and I loooooove chicken. We had a little sauce of our choice on the side, mostly because I knew I needed the fat. There was also oil on the beans.

On nights we work, we get home, eat while watching a little TV, shower and go to bed. Nothing exciting.  So that's what we’re about to do now. 

Update* I fell asleep in the chair and went to bed before Jared was ready.

**I called this part kill all the things part 2 because I was irritable. Who really knows why, I just felt tired, crabby, fat, and annoyed.



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